Sickle Cell Disease


We don’t appear to have a lot of patients with sickle cell disease in the area but they may register in from abroad. It makes sense to refer them to our Addenbrookes paediatric haematology colleagues

If you see any child with sickle cell disease with fever or pain should be referred to acute paediatrics to be seen regardless of how well they appear.

I would recommend referring all children with sickle cell disease who have not yet seen a paediatric haematologist yet to addenbrookes

They will ask us to arrange open access after this but until then as this patient group can have a variety of acute illness severity would be best to refer to addenbrookes general paediatrics in first instance

For the well child from abroad who is registering - If the child is not on antibiotic prophylaxis or there are uncertainties about vaccination status or medication it is worth speaking to our addenbrookes paediatric haematology colleagues directly in addition to making a referral to reduce the risk of infection from sub optimal prophylaxis or vaccination

This post had been promoted by a current case and i thought it worthwhile to share here to alert us all

For acute issues If there are any issues contacting addenbrookes general paediatrics of course please refer to us