Febrile children and sepsis
key message
always refer children < 3 months of age with fever for paediatric assessment.
The NICE fever in under 5 guidance is good - in particular traffic light table is an excellent practical quick reference resource and there is a link to a pdf and online learning here and safety net resources
Some useful videos on assessment which although old have the key knowledge:
Spotting the sick child is the premier online learning resource https://spottingthesickchild.com
Always refer babies with recorded fever either by parents or healthcare professionals under 3 months
Beware and have low threshold to refer multiple repeat presentations with parental concern
Expose appropriately every child for non blanching rash and review and document that a child is not meningitis
Neonates are not to be trusted if you have any infection concerns have a low threshold for referral
Always check for incomplete vaccination status and consider if the child is immunocompromised as they are in a higher risk category. Children with Down’s syndrome have increased risk for infections