Eczema and Food Allergy Concerns

Key Messages

What to Do

History Review:

Identify timing of rash onset, specific triggering food, nature of rash, and resolution method. IgE-mediated allergies usually involve hives appearing within an hour of eating and clearing completely with antihistamine.

Eczema Management:

Implement aggressive daily routine including moderate-temperature baths, emollient application, mild to moderate topical corticosteroid use during flare-ups, and protective clothing at night.

Dietary Management:

If food triggers are suspected, maintain a food diary and perform a careful food exclusion and reintroduction process. Emphasize the importance of food reintroduction due to the lack of reliable diagnostic tests for food-triggered eczema.

What Not to Do

Avoid IgE or skin prick testing for children with eczema without IgE symptoms to prevent confusion and unnecessary dietary restrictions.

When to Refer

Potential Risks of Food Exclusion

Additional Resources